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Penguin Travel - Reviews
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Line Hansen
(Дата: 29.02.2024)
Оценка: 10/10
Пътуване: Vandring i Troodos og Akamas, Cypern
Tusind tak for en skøn ferie. Alt har fungeret perfekt. Dejlige hoteller, søde mennesker, meget serviceminded chaffører og ikke mindst en rigtig smuk og forskelligartet natur. Jeg kan ikke rigtig finde noget i kunne have gjort anderledes, så det må blive 10 stjerner. Hilsen to meget glade og lidt trætte feriegæster? Thank you very much for a wonderful holiday. Everything has worked perfectly. Lovely hotels, nice people, very service-minded drivers and a really beautiful and diverse nature. I can't really find anything you could have done differently, so it has to be 10 stars. Regards, two very happy and slightly tired travlers

Ulla o Annika
(Дата: 13.10.2023)
Оценка: 10/10
Пътуване: ( Cykling i Kroatien - Dalmatiska cykel- & kryssningsäventyr
Vill bara berätta att vi fick en underbar vecka i Kroatien ( Cykling i Kroatien - Dalmatiska cykel- & kryssningsäventyr) Vädret kunde inte ha varit bättre och båten Moja Maja ( som vi nu vet betyder min Maja, då båten är byggd av Majas pappa, Maja var kapten på båten) uppfyllde förväntningarna på alla sätt o vis. Kanske blir det nord Dalmatien nästa år och då kanske med elcykel jag blir tyvärr inte yngre för varje år.

Michael C
(Дата: 27.09.2023)
Оценка: 10/10
Пътуване: Balkans Kaleidoscope
Just completed this 14 day tour of the Balkans Region and highly recommend this for independent travelers in good health. Our leader, Dorte and driver, Bobby were both excellent. Bobby was very safe and kept us out of trouble w the occasional bad drivers. Dorte organized our hotel rooms and was a ready source of information throughout the many countries visited. Both had to help us through 16 border crossings, which took a lot of paperwork and patience. Our group of 20 got along well, with plenty of sharing of travel stories in the more obscure parts of the world. The hotels were better than expected and there was even a one night stay at a five star hotel. Pack light and keep an open mind for this delightful tour.

Валерия Леонкева
(Дата: 12.07.2023)
Оценка: 10/10
Пътуване: 5-стан
Прекрасна дестинация, страхотно преживяване, отлична организация и незабравими спомени. За всичко това допринесе нашият водач Андрей, които се грижеше за всички нас.

(Дата: 11.07.2023)
Оценка: 10/10
Пътуване: Self guided Pieniny/Tatras mountains
Very good self guided trip arranged through Ivan, including two additional nights in Krakow, which was ell worth doing as there is a great deal of history culture and sites to enjoy and explore. All details were well planned, including transport from Krakow to both destinations. Accommodation was good, especially the eco farm in the Pieniny mountains, excellent food in a very quiet area. Lukasz, the local contact, was great in re-arranging the evening meals, and the restaurants were excellent and good value. Poland is beautiful, the people warm, generous and friendly. This is my second self guided trip with Penguin travel and would recommend them and a trip to Poland.

(Дата: 06.06.2023)
Оценка: 9/10
Пътуване: Balkans 8 country .
Such an interesting trip , with ever so much to see , plus our penguin guide Demi was excellent , always very helpful and attentive .

(Дата: 06.06.2023)
Оценка: 10/10
Пътуване: Balkan Kaleidoscope
I just returned from a 2 week tour of the Balkans and thoroughly enjoyed the experience offered by Penguin. Communication leading up to the tour was exceptional. Our itinerary was fast paced and comprehensive and the sights were spectacular. Accommodations were were clean and amenities sufficient for the price paid for the tour. The tour leader, bus driver and the local guides were efficient friendly and knowledgeable. I would definitely recommend Penguin travel, especially for off the beaten path destinations.

Tsveta Georgieva
(Дата: 26.04.2023)
Оценка: 10/10
Пътуване: India - Golden Triangle and Varanasi
Penguin Travel's representative Georgi organized an excellent tailor-made trip in India for me and my partner! We visited 4 cities in 10 days and everything was brilliantly organized! Everything was perfect - an impeccable organization, very competent and friendly local guides and most importantly they accommodated all our requests! The agency upgraded our hotels and made sure that we visited everything we wanted completely taking into account what we wanted to change and adapt in the program. They made several draft programs for us before we decide what exactly we want to visit. Their local partner agency was also top - the representatives were always on time, made the extra mile to accommodate our requests, helped us with everything, knew where to take us for food and how to take good care of us. We became friends with our local guides because they were super nice and friendly! India is not an easy destination but thanks to Penguin Travel and their local partner we felt safe and secure during our trip. We were accompanied by our guide all the time and received precious advices. He organized additional things for us which were not included in the program initially (e.g. a theatre in Bollywood style with traditional music and dance). All this helped making our travel a memorable experience and we would definitely go back to India. Also we would definitely travel with Penguin Travel again and use their professional, competent, top level services! Thank you, Penguin Travel for helping us having such an unforgettable experience in such a holy place like India! :)

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