A geographer and former mountain guide and ski-instructor Dimo founded Penguin Travel in Copenhagen in 1989. Having visited over 150 countries he is a member of the Danish Travellers Club (De Berejstes Klub) and FRGS (Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society). Dimo still leads most of the groups to new destinations. He takes care of all equestrian and cycling programmes in Bulgaria.
Super Lubo - born in November 1988, worked for the company three and a half years. Studied tourism in New Bulgarian University. Lives in a small village in the Rhodope Mountains, near Plovdiv. Join the firm as a guide-horseback riding and biking.
Dimitar was born in 1991 in Sofia, Bulgaria. He graduated from Sofia University with a specialty of public relations and mass communication. Dimitar is passionate about literature, cinema and art. Some of his hobbies are carpentry, writing, painting and reading. He loves hiking, skiing and horse riding, exploring extraordinary destinations as leading groups in Penguin Travel.
Born in 1996, Georgi got his bachelor degree in tourism from Sofia Universtiy “ St.Kliment Ohridski” in Sofia, Bulgaria in 2019. Working in the company since 2022 he travelled some of our most famous destinations, such as Central Asia, Caucas and the Balkans. He started job in the company in the outgoing department, and nowadays he is responsible for our Best seller tours, inspired by his passion about adventurous and cultural tourism. Over the last 2 years Georgi developed his guiding skills, so now he is more than happy to share the experience, the knowledge and the culture about the country and destinations visited. His patience and sense of humor will make you feel like you are travelling more with a friend, than with a tour leader itself.
Nesi was born in 1996 in a small town in Southern Bulgaria, at the foot of the beautiful Rhodope Mountains. Ever since high school, she has always been curious about the diverse places and peoples of the world. After a few short trips to Western Europe in her college days, she got the travel bug irreversibly and ever since, she has been dreaming of travelling to as many distant places as possible. So it was only natural to turn that passion into a living. She joined the Penguin Travel team in 2019 in the cultural roundtrips department, first in the back office and customer service team. In 2022, she also started leading some of Penguin Travel’s tours. Some of her favourite ones include Tassili National Park(Algeria), Iraq, Syria and the West Africa Tour (Ghana, Togo & Benin).
A naturalist by nature, Pencho is a member of the Bulgarian Society for Protection of Birds. As a researcher in animal breeding he implements the initiatives of the Society for preservation and restoration of habitats into farming on regional scale. He is a birder with good insight into bird behavior and identification, well acquainted with the Bulgarian open country and ornithologically interesting spots. Pencho joined Penguin Travel in 2010 and he loves touring – being in touch with nature and meeting people of the ilk. An enthusiastic bird picker and a nice company – your guiding bird and fellow.
23.04.2024 17:24
Сирия отново ви приветства с добре дошли! Години наред Сирия бе изправена пред разкъсваща я гражданска война и събитията там често влизаха във вечерните новини. Но днес страната бавно се връща към спокойствието и мирния живот, а определени места отново са отворени за туристи. През 2022г. ние възобновихме програмите си в Сирия и се радваме, че имаме възможност отново да ви покажем всичко, което...
15.03.2024 18:33
Самостоятелните преходи (self-guided walks) набират все повече популярност сред хората, които предпочитат активна почивка и търсят автентични и персонализирани преживявания сред природата. Този тип пътувания са изключително популярни сред пътешествениците от Западна Европа и Скандинавието. Това са едни от най-търсените пътувания от нашите клиенти от Дания и Западна Европа. Като туроператор, който...
12.06.2023 19:31
Лалибела, наситен с богата история и заобиколен от прекрасна природа град, който е връх на културното и архитектурното наследство на Етиопия. Разположен в северната част на страната, този малък град е дом на един от най-изумителните обекти на ЮНЕСКО за световно наследство - скалните църкви на Лалибела. Като място, което съчетава духовност, древни умения и зашеметяващи пейзажи, Лалибела предлага...
10.06.2023 12:26
Сенегал, разположен на западния бряг на Африка, е дом на много удивителни места за посещение. Едно от тях е Делтата на Салум - изумителна природна зона, разположена в южната част на страната. Това е място, където природата и културата се сливат в едно, предлагайки на посетителите незабравимо пътешествие. В тази статия ще разгледаме някои от най-забележителните атракции и преживявания, които...