This could sound like a pleasantery, but yes, you can really!
Uganda is less known among the travelers still, but it is truly amazing country!
Once you step there, you will fall in love with everything you see – the unspoiled nature, the unique fauna and the friendly people.
Statistically this is one of the poorest countries in the world. But it is rich in so many other ways! As we mentioned the people already, let's start with them. They are the biggest and most valuable treasure of the country. Once you get to know them, talk to them and spend time with them, you will realize that the poorest person is yourself. Because the locals live much free and happy life then us, coming from the richer west countries. Don't believe? – Just go there and see yourself!
Starting with the plans for your Uganda trip, you should keep in mind some important things. First of all, you will need visa. Luckily you can get it even at the border. All you have to prepare is about 50 USD and then you can follow your Uganda adventure.
Once you get inside, you will have a lot to learn about the transportation. There are buses widely available, but you will need a lot of time to go far, as they are slow and breakable. Don't be nervous because of it as this is Africa! A good option is also renting your own vehicle and it is not as costly as you might think. You can rent a 4×4 Toyota RAV4, with complete camping equipment with no additional charges, for example.
If transportation could be a bad surprise for you, then accommodation will be pretty good one. If you are traveling on a tight budget, you can get a modest double room for only 2-4 EUR per night. If you prefer really comfortable double room with a private bathroom and breakfast this will cost you about 20 EUR per night which is again a ridiculous price. Touristic areas have many camping places and you can pitch your tent for about 3-6 EUR or you can rent a more comfortable tent for about 30-35 EUR/night. National parks have many amazing and very luxury lodges, but don't dare to think about them if you are traveling low budget - the cheapest ones start from about 90 EUR/night.
Then comes the food. You won't be disappointed for sure. Food in Uganda is not just matoke and chapati. Uganda is rich with different vegetables, fruit and even fish. There are even some crocodile farms, where you can try the crocodile steak. Whenever you want to eat at a local restaurant or a small family campsite, be ready to wait a lot. No one is in a hurry in Uganda. The good think is that once you have your food, you will see it is so delicious and so cheap. Something like about 5 euro per lunch, beer for about 1 euro. Don't miss to visit the local markets also. They are so colorful and vivid! And colors are everywhere – the fruits, the people dress. So much beauty to hold!
Keep in mind the difference in the cultures. If you are over 20 years old, everyone will ask you how many kids you have and where are they. Having no kids at this age is something really strange for the people of Uganda. Of you are woman travelling solo, be prepared to attract a lot of local male attention. But don't worry – the local men will approach you and talk to you, but they are not aggressive or pushy. In general, Uganda is a safe country. Just don't be wandering around Kampala late at the night.
If you speak English, you won't have speaking troubles in Uganda. The country was a formal UK colony and that is why English is widely spoken here. Maybe you will have some problems with understanding, due to their dialect, but soon you will get into the line. If someone does not speak English, there will always be someone around, who does speak it, so don't worry and just enjoy your Uganda travel.
Once you are ready with all the transport and accommodation, then you are ready for a great travel adventure. Uganda has so many things to offer! It is rich with diverse landscape, wild animal life, Karamojong tribe and their manyatas, Crater lakes, The River Nile and probably the highlight of your trip – Silverback Gorillas.
Safaris are probably one of the most recognizable things in Sub-Africa and Uganda also has some amazing national parks, which are not only perfect for safari, but also a lot cheaper than the ones in Kenya and Tanzania. The most popular and visited national park in Uganda is Murchison Falls and Queen Elizabeth. Don't miss also the Kidepo national park. Seeing all the animals in their natural inhabitant is one of the best experiences. You can observe giraffes, big elephant's families, lions, antelopes, water-buffalos, curious monkeys. A one lifetime experience!
Then you can relax on the shores of Victoria Lake and visit the Ssesi Islands. The Ssese Islands, which are actually an archipelago of 84 small islands in the middle of the Victoria Lake. The people on Ssese islands are extremely friendly and you will definitely enjoy your time with them.
And then comes the biggest attraction of Uganda - Gorillas or chimpanzee trekking. This is the i highlight of every Uganda trip. No doubt – it is one of the most expensive things to do. But every single euro you will give is more than worth! The endangered impressive Mountain Gorillas in Uganda don't live in any zoo across the planet since they cannot survive in detention and thus there aren't any known mountain gorillas surviving within zoos. There are approximately 786 Mountain Gorillas remaining in the world with approximately half of them staying in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest plus the Mgahinga Gorilla Park within Uganda found in East Africa. Fortunately the Gorillas are growing in numbers because of the protection they are offered from the government of Uganda which also included efforts of the adjacent communities to the parks to whom part of the USD 500 fee of Gorilla tracking permits charged from foreign visitors to Mgahinga as well as Bwindi is offered.
Uganda has two places where these Mountain Gorillas may be seen - Mgahinga Gorilla Park and Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. The last one supports the hugest Population of Mountain Gorilla. It is an ancient forest also called the "Place of Darkness." The tree cover makes it very dark within this forest. The forest's altitudes are between 1,160m and 2,607m above sea level.
At the end you can just take a rest and enjoy the starry Uganda sky. Lots of households in this poor country are still without electricity and the night sky beauty won't be mess with the buildings' lights. At the end of you Uganda adventure you will be thankful places like this still excist and you are among those not so many luck people who have had a chance to see them!
Written by: Biserka Borisova
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